
rock  fans  and musicians have always struggled with the paradox of "selling" - to be considered "authentic" rock music, must keep a certain distance from the world of company and commercial construction, but it is widely accepted that some compromises must be made to succeed and to make music available to the public. This dilemma creates friction between musicians and fans, with some bands going to try to avoid the appearance of "selling" (while finding ways to earn a lucrative living). In some styles of rock, like punk and heavy metal, a player who is supposed to have "sold" for commercial purposes can be labeled with a "poseur" demeaning term.
If a player came to public attention with a style, any further development of the style can be considered sold to former fans.
 On the other hand, managers and producers more likely a better mastery of the artist, as happened, for example, the rapid transition of Elvis Presley in the species of "The Hamlet of chat to "your teddy bear." It may be difficult to determine the difference between seeking a wider audience and art. Ray Charles left behind his classic formulation of rhythm and blues to sing country music, songs pop and advertising of soft drinks. In the process, it has grown from a niche audience to worldwide fame. Ultimately, it is the moral of the artist, management and public .